Thursday, February 27, 2014

Improvisation Acting Workshop by Lucien Bourjeily


Improv acting opens your mind, makes teamwork extremely easier, helps you to create better ideas/performance on stage/camera, and enables you to think, act, and react out of the box!
Learn the true art of improvisational acting with the founder of the first professional improvisation troupe (ImproBeirut) in Lebanon and producer/director of the first improvisational shows in the Arab world Lebanese director Lucien BOURJEILY. Four sessions intensive workshop classes focusing on improvisational acting. Participants will learn to seek out patterns and connections between characters, scenes and ideas. The class emphasizes creating a rich environment for your scenes, committing to your decisions and your scene partner and beginning with the body as inspiration.
Saturday 8  March 2014 (6 to 10 pm)
Sunday 9 March 2014 (6 to 10 pm)
Saturday 15 March 2014 (6 to 10 pm)
Sunday 16 March 2014 (6 to 10 pm)

LOCATION = Masrah Al Madina (Hamra Street, Beirut)




Mostly known for his innovative work as a director in the performing arts field and as a filmmaker, for more than 10 years (since early 2001), has conducted numerous acting, improvisation, and storytelling workshops in Lebanon, the Middle East, Europe, and the U.S. to a wide variety of participants.
His work has traveled the worldwide festival circuits and won him many prestigious awards of which the YCE international British Council award in Edinburgh, Scotland in August 2009.
He was the first to introduce, in 2008, interactive improvised theater (Forum Theater, theater sports, and other improv formats) to the Lebanese and Middle Eastern audience. He founded ImproBeirut (the first professional improvisational theater ensemble in Lebanon and the Middle East) that same year to spread awareness about improvisational theater in the Arab world and a year later (in 2009) he co-founded VAPA association to advocate the use of arts to resolve social issues.
He was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship in 2010 and graduated with a Master in Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Filmmaking from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

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please email a short paragraph (less than 200 words including the reason why you’d like to join) including your name, mobile or contact number to
Workshop fee is 220 $ USD.

DEADLINE for applying: Friday 28th of February 2014

For more info or queries please call 03 694 998

You will be notified by email if you have been accepted to the workshop. Please note that seats are very limited.